The Powerful Benefits Of Eating Intuitively

You may be wondering what led me to become so passionate about the concept of eating intuitively. For me, this practice is a cornerstone of Living Intuitively—a holistic approach that encompasses how we Eat, Move, and Think. My journey began when I started to observe my relationship with food and its profound impact on both individual and collective health.

This is an invitation to reconnect with your body. Pause for a moment, set aside societal conditioning, and ask yourself: What does my body truly need? When you listen and trust its honest responses, you begin to embrace the essence of eating intuitively.

My Journey to Eating Intuitively

Like many, my relationship with food has been complex. It started in school, where criticism about my weight drove me toward fitness and bodybuilding. This led to an obsession with animal protein as I pursued physical perfection. While it served its purpose, this rigid approach left me feeling confined.

Then came ethical veganism, which liberated me from unconscious consumption of animal products. For over seven years, I thrived on a vegan diet, even writing a book, Plant Powered Fitness. But over time, I realized that veganism was another part of my journey—not the ultimate destination. While it freed me from one set of restrictions, it introduced new limitations.

In January 2022, I began eating meat again. I felt stronger and more energized, but I also retained the lessons veganism had taught me. The freedom to eat anything was both liberating and challenging. Without predefined rules, I had to rely on my body’s signals to guide my choices. This shift marked the beginning of my eating intuitively.

Learning to Listen to My Body

One pivotal moment in my journey occurred during a plant medicine retreat in the Colombian Jungle. Our diet was 100% plant-based, yet I noticed my body occasionally craved eggs. Honoring these needs brought clarity and balance, reinforcing the importance of tuning into my body’s signals without guilt or external judgment.

Over time, I noticed a pattern. While my diet was predominantly plant-based, every few weeks my body would signal a need for something different, like fish or chicken. By responding to these cues, I found harmony in my eating habits. This wasn’t about indulgence or cravings—it was about genuine communication with my body.

This newfound freedom was transformative. Eating intuitively allowed me to make choices based on my body’s wisdom rather than societal pressures or habitual behaviours.

The Bigger Picture: Reconnecting Through Intuition

Many of the challenges we face as a species stem from disconnection—disconnection from nature, from others, and from ourselves. Our relationship with food is a reflection of this broader disconnect. By embracing eating intuitively, we begin to bridge this gap.

Listening to your body is a form of reconnecting with nature because we are nature. When we honor our intuitive needs, we align with the rhythms of life, fostering a sense of freedom and balance. This extends beyond food—it’s about living in harmony with the world around us.

Start Your Journey to Intuitive Eating

If you’re struggling to reconnect with your intuition, my 14-Day Intuition Upgrade program is here to guide you. Through this program, you’ll rediscover your inner compass and learn how to align your eating habits with your body’s true needs.

By practicing eating intuitively, you unlock a deeper sense of freedom, clarity, and fulfilment. Are you ready to start listening to your body and embracing the powerful benefits of intuitive eating?

Your journey to freedom begins here >
