How to Find Meaning in Life

One of the most transformative perspectives we can adopt is how we view life: as something happening to us or for us. This choice profoundly impacts how and where we find meaning in life.

While no one can definitively prove which perspective is “right,” choosing to see life as happening for us is far more empowering. It encourages proactive engagement with life’s challenges, fostering growth and resilience rather than defeat.

The Trap of Life Happening to Us

When we believe life is happening to us, it’s easy to feel powerless. Viewing events as random occurrences outside our control can lead to a nihilistic outlook. This perspective suggests that life lacks meaning and that we are incapable of shaping our destiny. Over time, this mindset can contribute to feelings of despair and even depression.

The Empowerment of Life Happening for Us

Alternatively, seeing life as happening for us opens up an entirely different narrative. This perspective acknowledges that while we are responsible for our actions and decisions, life itself provides valuable lessons. Challenges become opportunities to gain insight into who we are, helping us identify the changes needed to improve our lives and find deeper meaning.

When we embrace this perspective, we realize that life’s events—both good and bad—offer clues for growth. We begin to understand that we have the power to shape our reality through our choices, actions, and mindset.

Taking Control of Your Journey

When you view life as happening for you, you unlock a deeper level of understanding. You see yourself as the creator of your reality, capable of influencing outcomes and finding purpose in the process. This approach transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

If you’re ready to explore this perspective further, my 6-week online program, Inner Earth, is designed to help you uncover the clues within and around you. Through this journey, you’ll learn how to interpret life’s lessons and discover the meaning you’ve been searching for.

Click here for more information on Inner Earth 🗻.
