Look to the Stars: Exploring The Essence of The Wanderer

It’s the 2030’s and the first human settlers land on Mars. The Wanderer archetype is coming out in it’s full expression.

Our journey to the stars began many eons ago with a curiosity to explore and discover, fuelled by those sparkling objects in the sky each night, teasing us to dream and look further than our current existence.

The cosmic joker poking and prodding an archetype that is woven into the fabric of humanity, so intrinsically embedded inside us that it was always going to get a reaction, it just might take a few thousand years as we began to collect tools for our ‘Wanderers Tool Kit’.

It began with the first telescope credited to Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass maker, who invented it in 1608. Galileo famously improved upon Lippershey’s design and used his telescope for astronomical observations in 1609, leading to significant discoveries about the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus.

  • The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957 , marking the beginning of the space age.
  • NASA’s Apollo 11 mission in 1969  then landed the first humans on the Moon, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking historic steps on its surface.
  • In 1998 the International Space Station was created. A collaborative project involving multiple countries, serving as a laboratory for scientific research in microgravity.
  • The SpaceX Falcon 1 took flight in 2006 and was the first privately developed liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit, marking a significant step in commercial space travel.
  • Then on October 13, 2024, SpaceX fifth and most ambitious test of Starship was to demonstrate the Super Heavy boosters launch, separation and return to Earth. Demonstrating the reusable design and on their first try, ‘Mechazilla’ caught the booster as it landed back on earth.

There have been many other stages in this journey that I haven’t included, but here we are 400 years on from the first telescope, with SpaceX on the verge of creating a viable approach to commercial space travel.

But what is it that has fuelled this epic adventure to space, to reach beyond the stars and to look into the heart of the universe?

It is The Wanderer archetype, woven into the fabric of human beings, the desire to explore and to seek beyond the edge of the known universe.

But The Wanderer isn’t just built into us to explore space, it informs all avenues of exploration in our lives both in the outer and inner worlds. It is the seeker within who longs to step outside the comfort zone in our lives.

To go beyond the edge of ourselves, because going beyond the edge of who we are and what we thought was possible for us, is how we discover new parts of ourselves and why The Wanderer is THE most important archetype that exists in human evolution and our own personal evolution.

So take the time to get to know your inner Wanderer, trust in its guidance and its courage to go where no man or woman has gone before, because this life is a journey and if we fail to nourish the Wanderer within the journey stops, we won’t move forward individually or collectively and we’ll die.

Unleash the Wanderer within and live a life full of adventure and self-discovery.

If you want to deepen your relationship with your inner Wanderer then check out my free 7-day email series The Wanderers Toolkit ⚙️⛰️
